多文 化 社 会 研 究 会 ニ ュ - ズ レ タ - 138号


Society for Multicultural Community Studies /Global Awareness


『 多文 化 社 会 研 究 会 ニ ュ - ズ レ タ - 138号』




次回の研究会は新年あけての1月25日(月)に開催します。大東文化大学 大東文化会館ホールで、報告は二つです。まず、はMelissa Hungさん(ICU修士課程)の「DV against Children: Perspective of International Human Rights Law(子どもに対するDV―国際人権法の視点―)」(英語による発表)です。もう一つはダニエーレ・レスタ(大東文化大学)さんによる「メディアで見る交錯するイタリアの移民状況(The ‘junction’ country: media perspectives on Italy’s double-faced migration issue)」(日本語による発表)の予定です。平日の月曜日夜という時間、大学は入試シーズンに入りご多忙のこととは存じますが2016年最初の研究会ということで、研究会の後には新年会も予定しております。会員の皆様におかれましてはぜひご参加くださいますようお願い申し上げます。皆様お誘い合わせの上ご参加ください。


日時 2016年1月25日(月)16:30~19:00
場所 大東文化大学 大東文化会館ホール

司会:秋山 肇(国際基督教大学)



テーマ:DV against Children: Perspective of International Human Rights Law(子どもに対するDV―国際人権法の視点―)(英語による発表)

発表者:Melissa Hung(ICU修士課程)

概要:Domestic violence is a global issue that affects not only undeveloped or developing countries but is also a common problem in developed countries. Although within recent years issues on domestic violence have been highlighted not only nationally but also internationally, however there are still many problems and barriers within this issue. One of the main problems with the current system is the protection of children who are either victims of domestic violence or live in an domestic violence environment. Unlike adult victims, children victims tend to be ignored or not notice till serious consequences happen. Although different countries have different culture which may affect their approach to issues of domestic violence, it is also important for the international community to focus on this issue. The UNCRC is one of the biggest convention seen to protect and promote children’s rights, however in terms of practice the UNCRC have little power and thus many children that are victim of domestic violence are not protected. Therefore this presentation will focus on not only why we should look at children protection from an international law prospective but also what approach can be taken to ensure children who are victims of domestic violence can be greatly protected using international law.


Melissa Hung is a graduate student at International Christmas University (ICU), majoring in peace studies. She received an LLB (bachelor degree in law) from University of York (U.K). She is currently interested in human rights especially children’s rights.







テーマ:メディアで見る交錯するイタリアの移民状況(The ‘junction’ country: media perspectives on Italy’s double-faced migration issue)(日本語による発表)

発表者:ダニエーレ・レスタ(Daniele Resta)(大東文化大学)

概要: Quite soon after its unification in 1861, Italy has witnessed an impressive number of emigrations towards different areas of the world. It was a large-scale diaspora that reached its peak in the years before the outbreak of World War I, with hundred thousands of people leaving the country every year. In addition, another weighty wave of migration flows could be observed at the end of 1950s. Since the preferred destinations this time were European countries such as Germany, Swiss or Belgium, these human movements came to be labeled as the “European emigration” phase.

Although Italian emigration flows continue nowadays mostly in the smaller, elitarian form of the so-called “fuga di cervelli” (human capital flight) phenomenon, Italy has gradually turned, over the years, into a “country of immigration”. Starting from the 1970s, as a result of the economic boom and other factors such as the “politica delle porte aperte” (open door policy) sustained by the government of the time, Italy has seen an increasing number of immigrations, that culminated in the first en masse Albanian immigration of 1991.

Nowadays many immigrants from Africa continue to enter Italy across the Mediterranean Sea, embarking in treacherous boat journeys that often lead to tragic shipwrecks. With the extension of the European Union, however, the most significant wave of migration has been from closer European states, particularly Eastern Europe, with more than a million Romanians now officially residing in the country.

After briefly outlining Italy’s long emigration history, this presentation will focus on its recent shift from a “country of emigration” into a “country of immigration”, presenting some data on the variety of nationalities currently living in the country and examining, with a glance at its somewhat controversial migration policies, how Italy deals with the phenomenon both at cultural and political levels. In addition, as the embryonic stage of a broader project on representation of migrants in Italian media and films, this presentation will also make use of fragments of film and television material on the topic unreleased in Japan.















