
Global Awareness

多文化研理事長 川村千鶴子


(1)多文化研は80年代からGlobal Awareness(格差への気づき愛)と問題発見・解決ALを実践してきました。
(2) 格差と分断をいかに防ぐか



(6) CBL(Community Based Learning)による地域貢献
留学生・技能実習生・特定技能外国人・難民の方々・障がい者の方々も単に支援される存在ではなく、自立し地域の構成員として貢献しています。PBL(プロジェクト型学習)に加え、地域との連携を重視するCBL(Community Based Learning)によって持続可能な多文化社会への貢献が可能となり、社会統合の道が拓かれます。市民として、義務と社会的責任を全うし共創・協働を実現しています。各種イベントや防災訓練、スピーチコンテスト、図書館、移民博物館、医療機関など公共施設への貢献を知るグッドプラクティスに照射することにより、多様性の潜在力を実証できます。

ICTは情報コミュニケーション技術の頭文字です。情報がどのように流通し、どういう形で授受しているかも、多文化社会を研究するうえでの大きな要素です。動画、情報の共有、統計数値の分析、記録、写真、モデル化、白地図や図表の作成、カード付箋使用などStudy Skillsの向上が欠かせません。質問や考えをSNSで送信することもでき、画像共有ソフトを利用することで、遠隔地同士でのフォーラムの開催も可能になりました。近未来については、AIの分野への視野を広げると「共創」の概念も広がります。
(8) プレゼンテーションとディスカッション・タイム
(9) 社会的ニーズの変遷にそうアクティブ・ラーニングの蓄積とSDGs


李  錦純  <関西医科大学看護学部・大学院看護学研究科教授、博士(人間科学)>



多文化共創社会(Co-Creation through Multicultural Synergy)

川村 千鶴子  <大東文化大学名誉教授。博士(学術)>

(図1:学びのプラットフォームの今日的意義と社会的ニーズ 作成:川村2019)(国・中小企業経営者・自治体・住民・教育機関・医療機関との連携が欠かせない。)


Learning an immigration control policy and co-created value

Corporate training and curriculum reform

As a future challenge, corporate training and curriculum reforms in educational institutions are necessary.
For foreigners to work together, they need to acquire a status of residence that enables them to work, understand the legal position of foreign residents in Japan, including restrictions on their vocational choice according to their status of residence, and have correct knowledge about status of residence.
The active learning of directly experiencing the precious experience of working together is also necessary.
Projects to support foreigners in their job searches and Japanese-language classes have been held in many parts of the country. For the employment of foreigners, it is necessary to implement training programs that encourage considerations for helping them work without anxiety, paying attention to the fact that they are not used to the Japanese language or Japanese employment systems. In addition, it is also necessary to establish a system which nurtures experienced local government officials with much expertise on social security, enabling them to work within the system for a long period of time.

Everyone talks feeling at home
No longer anyone else’s business

As is widely known, Japan will be able to employ foreigners as specified skilled workers (i) in 14 job categories.
The government has decided to accept up to 345,000 foreign workers in the next five years in industries facing serious shortages of labor, such as nursing care, construction, janitorial services, agriculture, food and drink and manufacturing. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will dispatch Japanese engineers to Southeast Asian nations to increase the number of foreign specified skilled workers in the manufacturing industry. Those engineers will teach Japanese construction methods with the aim of realizing more successful applicants for specified skilled workers’ qualification examinations. The government will first dispatch Japanese engineers to Vietnam in October and then to the Philippines and Indonesia (according to the August 12 edition of the Yomiuri Shinbun). Local trainees will learn Japanese construction techniques and engage in construction. The construction industry will accept up to 40,000 foreign workers with specified skilled workers’ qualifications in the next five years, beginning from the current fiscal year. Local citizens, companies, local governments, educational and medical institutes, religious facilities and civil groups will work in collaboration and the practice of co-working and co-creation will help revitalize local regions.
Long-term measures based on the management of diversity and co-creation have begun.
Academic institutions, such as many Japanese-language schools and vocational schools, are promoting curriculum reforms in collaboration with local regions. Medical institutions have launched medical interpreter training courses. People have come to recognize the necessity of specific institutional infrastructure, such as consultation counters for stateless persons, support for the protection of applicants, granting of citizenship to second-generation refugees, statistical surveys of children with ethnic roots in foreign countries and education in their mother tongues. It is also important to bring in the energy and eagerness of growing Asia through the group-supervised acceptance of technical intern trainees that started from 2010, to develop through the globalization of companies from inside and to understand the practice of employment, spreading circles of trust. An accumulation of learning and co-created value leads to a better understanding the revised Immigration Act and the discovering of issues.
When foreigners build self-confidence in their home countries, hand down stories of their own precious experiences in Japan from generation to generation and remain strongly committed to contributing to their home countries, I am sure that local technical cooperation will create synergy.

I believe that the economic development we hope for is to have a management philosophy of working together, to mutually improve the quality of life and to contribute to building a global society with a high degree of happiness instead of just making up for the exhaustion of workforce.
A multicultural synergetic society is a society that aims to realize a society with a high degree of happiness through a caring, diverse population, including foreign students, immigrants, refugees, persons with disabilities, elderly people, LGBT individuals, single-parent families, stateless persons and persons without family registration. The spontaneous collaboration between national and local governments, companies, academic and medical institutions and the civil sector produces synergy and its trust constitutes co-created value. (Kawamura: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)

Lastly, if examples of good practices in which efforts to employ and co-work with foreign human resources with emphasis placed on their human rights contributes to local revitalization and international contribution become known more widely both inside and outside of the country, it will lead to more people understanding the potential of diversity, which will contribute to cross-border collaboration and people adopting long-term perspectives. If successful cases of the new “specified skilled worker” status of residence in particular are produced one after another from now, I expect that the relationships of trust created from that process will be recognized as the value of a better multicultural society instead of only aiming for the alleviation of the increasingly serious labor shortage.

Translated from “ZOOM UP ‘Nihon de shurosuru gaikokujin tono kyosei ni mukete’: Tomoni hataraku kyodo-kyoso no kachi—naze raifusaikuru no shiza ga hitsuyo nanoka— (ZOOM UP ‘Coexisting with Foreign Workers in Japan’: The Value of Co-working and Co-creation: Why Is a Life Cycle Perspective Necessary?),” CLAIR FORUM, Nov.2019 Vol.361 (Courtesy of Council of Local Authorities for International Relations) [February 2020]

Note: ZOOM UP http://www.clair.or.jp/j/forum/forum/articles/index-361.html (Japanese only)

KAWAMURA Chizuko, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, Daito Bunka University